Good news! Individuals can now edit the doll company database entries on their own! However, there are some downsides.
I am still debating if I want to do this with the actual doll listings. The process is much more tedious because of the amount of information is in the doll finder. There is also more of a chance for things to go wrong. That is all the updates for now! Preview of the new look:The Doll Feature Finder still needs your help adding dolls!
It has been awhile since I last posted an update! Real life got in the way as I have been busy at work (we are shorthanded). Anyway, I have started cloning the site on a new platform. The site will look much the same, but the doll records will look better. The search functionality isn't quite there yet on the new platform, so for now I will be keeping the current setup, even though it is kind of a mess.
In the meantime, I plan to hire some data entry people on fiverr or something to help add dolls to the database. There are a few companies that have been completed, or nearly completed by myself and some fantastic volunteers. However, I can't expect them to add a million dolls by themselves. They have since moved on and I am flying solo again. I want to thank them for there support! All of you were amazing. What I really need right now are entries from art dolls from individual artists. These are hard to find because they don't have a large company and are mostly working by themselves. So please, if you know of any, add them to the database!! I can easily add the large companies myself, but I don't know of many doll artists! Updates are slow, but they are getting there. Tell your friends!! I have been slowly working on graphics for the website. The process is slow, because I also have a day job that takes up most of my time. Not to mention I am working on several other things at the same time. So much to do so little time! Anyway, what's new with the site?
Not much else has been done. I received approval from Den of Angels to advertise this site in the news section. YAY! I have also been researching alternatives to the system DFF has, just in case the project gets to big for its britches. :) Until next time! I was advertising my database when I was contacted about another database! Currently, they only have a google spreadsheet available and are working on a website. You can find their spreadsheet here: What does this mean for the future of DFF? We have decided to collaborate! For now, it means a huge influx of data. They are also working on a website, but it is not currently available to the public. We have exchanged ideas and both sites have or will incorporate features from each database. Most of everything was the same anyway! <3 When they get their site up and running, there will simply be two databases, or three, or four....depending on how many more pop up. I think this is great as it provides more tools and options to the community. The more databases, the less chance of all this information disappearing! On another note, my free plan only allows me to add 1,500 records to my database and BJD Size Comparison (BSC for short). That means I will need to upgrade my plan and pay money. For now I am covering the expenses out of my pocket, and will have to take donations. Why not find a different solutions that cheaper or free? This solution allows anyone to add to the database with a simple form and the information is updated immediately. There is no coding involved so everything from A-Z can be change quickly and efficiently! However, I am always open to suggestions! Other updates:
July 2021
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